Aims and Scope
Atlas Publishing, LLC accepts original research articles, short communications, and review articles in academic fields including but not limited to Medical Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environmental sciences, Food sciences, Animal Sciences, Genomics, Genetics, Biotechnology, Marine sciences, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Plant sciences, Forensic sciences, Ecology, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Science Education, Mathematical Sciences, Computer Applications, Data Science, etc.
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word, 12 pt Tw Cen MT or Times New Roman font, a page margin of 1″ (2.4 cm) in all sides, and tables and figures in one file. The manuscripts must have the following items in order and must be less than 50 pages long including the text, figures, and tables.
- Page Title
The title page must contain:
- A full title of the manuscript
- Authors full names (first and last name)
- Corresponding author’s e-mail address, phone#, and fax#
- Authors affiliations
- Key words
- Abstract
This page must contain:
- An abstract of the manuscript not to exceed 350 words
- Key words: at least three keywords
- Abbreviations if applicable
- Body Text
This section must contain the whole manuscript and its sections as follows:
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion (may be combined with Results)
- Acknowledgements if applicable
- References
All references must be cited in the text and in the alphabetical order in the “References” section. Only published and in press articles should be cited in the text and the references section. Authors must follow these directions to prepare the “References” section:
Journal articles:
Lightfoot DA, VN Njiti, PT Gibson, MA Kassem, JM Iqbal, and K Meksem (2005) Registration of the Essex by Forrest Recombinant Inbred Line (RIL) Mapping Population. Crop Science 45 (4): 1678-1781.
Njiti VN, K Meksem, MJ Iqbal, JE Johnson, MA Kassem, KF Zobrist, VY Kilo, and DA Lightfoot (2002) Common Loci Underlie Field Resistance to Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome in Forrest, Pyramid, Essex, and Douglas. Theor Appl Genet 104 (2/3): 294-300.
In the manuscript’s text: (Jones, 1980); (Knight and Allen, 2000); (Hnetkovsky et al., 1996; Chang et al., 1997; Njiti et al., 1997, 1998, 2000; Lucas et al., 2012).
In Press Articles
Palomeque L, L Li-Jun, W Li, B Hedges, ER Cober, and I Rajcan (2009) QTL in mega-environments: I. Universal and specific seed yield QTL detected in a population derived from a cross of high-yielding adapted £ high-yielding exotic soybean lines. Theor Appl Genet. In press.
Drinkwater LE and SS Snapp (2007) Understanding and managing the rhizosphere in agroecosystems. In: ZG Cardon, JL Whitbeck (eds.) The rhizosphere-an ecological perspective. Elsevier, pp. 155-178.
Hede A, B Skovmand, and J Lopez-Cesati (2001) Acid soils and aluminum toxicity. In: Reynolds M (ed) Application of physiology in wheat breeding. CIMMYT, Mexico, pp. 172-182.
Note: All references must be cited in both the manuscript's text and References section. Example: "Pongamia pinnata, a fast growing, outcrossing, papillionaceous tree legume with high oil content seeds ... is a potential feedstock for biofuel production (Biswas et al., 2013; Gresshoff et al., 2015; Scott et al., 2008)."
- Tables and Figures
References must be followed by Tables and figures captions then tables and figures. Authors must follow these guidelines:
- Tables, figures and images must be numbered using Arabic numbers (Figure or Table 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.)
- Figures can be accepted in JPEG, TIF, and GIF formats
- Authors must paste the figures into Microsoft Word
- Figures and tables must be on the same file
- Manuscripts must be submitted in one file in Microsoft Word
Manuscript Submission
When ready, please submit your manuscript through the system. If you experience any difficulties, please contact the Managing Editor at: